Oral issues can give you sleepless nights and pain. The gums are composed of delicate pink tissues that house the teeth. The roots of the teeth are embedded into the gums, and the gums provide cushion to the teeth too. The gum tissues are dense and are pink in color due to the wide circulation of blood capillaries. The gums are cemented on the jawbones and protect the root of each tooth.
What are Receding Gums?
The wearing away or pulling back of the gum tissues surrounding the teeth is receding of the gums. Gum recession is a long process and does not happen instantly. Receding of the gums exposes the enamel and weakens the roots of teeth.
The recession of gums leads to pockets or gaps between adjacent teeth and between the teeth and gum line. These pockets serve as thriving grounds for bacterial activity. If not treated timely, gum infection, gingivitis can lead to periodontal diseases that can severely damage the gums and jawbones.
Gum recession treatment in Temecula is performed by dentists and is a common dental ailment. Since the recession of the gums is a gradual process, so most of the patients are unaware of the ailment and understand it when the roots of the teeth are exposed. A comprehensive dental examination can detect gum recession.
Symptoms of Gum Recession
Inadequate jawbones can support less bulky gums; hence a smaller mass of gums recedes quickly. Many people do not have visible symptoms of receding gums apart from shrinking gums around the teeth. The other symptoms include:
- Sensitivity to hot and cold food and beverages.
- Changed appearance of teeth as they appear longer due to receding gums.
- Bad breath.
- Swollen or reddened gums.
- Loose teeth without apparent reasons.
- Bad taste in the mouth.
- Bleeding from the gums.
- Pain in the gum line.
- Tender pain while biting or chewing food.
What Causes Gum Recession?
Numerous factors might contribute to gum recession. A few of them are:
Periodontal Diseases
Infection of the gum can cause the gum to recede. Gum disease of periodontal diseases destroys the gum tissues and the jawbones that support the jawbones. Untreated cavities or poor oral health can lead to periodontal infections.
A genetic disorder or family history of periodontal diseases can make you more susceptible to gum recession. Recent research reveals that 30% of the population can be predisposed to periodontal diseases even after maintaining a healthy oral cavity.
Brushing Technique
Aggressive brushing or flossing would not give you cleaner teeth. Instead, the wrong technique of brushing or brushing with a tough toothbrush might cause the enamel to wear away. The gum tissues adjacent to the teeth might also be affected adversely.
Insufficient Dental Care
It is advised to visit the dentist regularly even if you are not suffering from any dental ailment. Inadequate and improper brushing and flossing might lead to the accumulation of thin film of a sticky layer called plaque on the enamel. The tartar turns into a tougher layer called tartar. If not removed in time, the tartar and plaque are thriving ground of bacterial activities. If not removed, the bacterial activity can erode the enamel and lead to periodontal diseases, causing gum recession.
Hormonal Alteration
Women are more prone to receding gums due to their fluctuations in hormone levels of a female’s lifetime during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Such hormonal changes can lead to a recession of the gums.
Use of Tobacco
Smoking or chewing tobacco increases the risk of gum recession as the nicotine present in tobacco forms plaque that is difficult to remove.
The dentist can handle mild cases of gum recession through a non-invasive procedure. Scaling and root planning can remove the tartar below the gum line and nullify bacterial activity. You may opt for deep cleaning at a dentist’s office near you.
If there is a substantial loss of jawbones and gum tissues or pockets are too deep, the dentist might suggest gum surgery to reduce the pocket size or opt for bone regeneration. You can get all the treatments for gum recession at Elevate Dental. You may book an appointment and get complete dental care under one roof.