Tooth cavities are one of the most common health problems affecting many people worldwide. Anyone with teeth, including babies, can develop cavities. Finding out that you have a tooth cavity may come as a surprise. This is because you may think that you follow a good oral hygiene routine. However, if your dentists confirm that you have a cavity, don’t freak out because there are ways to treat and prevent a cavity from spreading. Dental check-ups are the best way of avoiding tooth cavities
What is a Tooth Cavity?
A tooth cavity or decay is a hole formed in your tooth due to the accumulation of food debris. The cavities start small and gradually spread if they are left untreated. Since the cavities do not cause a lot of pain, it can be hard to realize that there is an existing problem and that’s is why you need regular dental appointments with your dentist.
Tooth cavities are caused by plaque which is a sticky substance that binds to your teeth. The plaque is a combination of saliva, acid, bacteria, and food particles. Everyone has bacteria in the mouth cavity, and these bacteria turn the sugar into acid after eating sugary foods. So the plaque starts forming after intake of sugary substances. Plaque sticks on your teeth, and the acid in it slowly erode the enamel of your teeth.
Cavities develop more often on the molars and premolars as these teeth have grooves and openings that trap food debris. These teeth are also harder to rich while flossing or brushing.
There are some risk factors for cavities, and they may include:
- Poor oral hygiene routine
- Dry mouth
- Eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia
- Low intake of fluoride
- Too many sugary or acidic drinks
- Acid reflux disease, which makes the acid in your stomach wear out your enamel.
What Can You Expect with Dental Exam Cleanings?
Dental cleaning is a preventive measure of tooth decay and cavities. Our dentist in 92591 does this procedure, and the steps involved are described below:
- Physical examination
The dentist will conduct a physical exam of your entire mouth using a small mirror to check the gums and teeth for any sign of gum disease or potential concerns.
- Removal of plaque and tartar
After the physical examination, the dental hygienist will use a scale with the guide of the small mirror to remove tartar and plaque on your gum line and in between your teeth.
- Gritty toothpaste cleaning
After ensuring that your teeth are tartar-free, the hygienist will brush them using a high-powered electric brush. Although it may produce a grinding noise and sound scary, it is an excellent way to deep clean teeth and removes any tartar that the scaler may have left. Sometimes you may feel some pain, but it is only for a short while.
The professional cleaning procedure uses toothpaste like the regular one but with a gritty consistency that gently scrubs your teeth. It is done by a dental professional and is recommended at least twice a year. If you feel nauseous while using this toothpaste, your dentist can choose other flavors that make you comfortable.
- Expert flossing
Expert flossing is a very important session. Your dentist will ensure that they get deep between your teeth and gums and locate any tartar or potential spots that may cause gum bleeding. Flossing is also meant to remove any plaque or leftover toothpaste from the earlier processes.
- Rinsing
Your dentist will give you liquid fluoride to rinse your mouth. This will get rid of any remaining debris.
- Applying fluoride treatment
This is the final step of the cleaning process, and it is used as a protectant for your teeth to help them fight against cavities for some time.
Your dentist will ask you about the flavor of your choice, after which they will place the foamy gel into a mouthpiece that will fit over your teeth. This is left for one minute. Fluoride varnish will also be applied to your teeth using a small brush. It will harden when it comes into contact with your saliva, so there’s no need to worry. You can drink or it immediately after.
If you require a dental exam and cleaning in Temecula, visit Elevate Dental. Our staff will take good care of you.