Full Mouth Tooth Replacement - Temecula, CA
What is Full Mouth Tooth Replacement?
Full mouth tooth replacement involves restorative or general dentists, and can incorporate dental specialists like oral surgeons, periodontists, orthodontists and endodontists.
The Benefits of Full Mouth Tooth Replacement
Significant tooth loss due to illness or injury can have wide-ranging effects on your life. First, it can impact your daily function by making it difficult to consume vital nutrients, and this, in turn, can harm your overall health.
It can also affect your ability to speak, and it will certainly alter your appearance. This will likely lead to huge changes to your social life, as you may be too embarrassed to smile, laugh, speak, and generally participate in social activities.
The good news is, Elevate Dental offers solutions for full mouth tooth replacement that can restore your smile and return oral function. The benefits of this procedure for patients cannot be overstated.
Whether you choose traditional dentures or modern upgrades like implant-anchored dentures (removable or permanent), you can once again eat, drink, and smile with confidence, ensuring proper nutrition and the ability to resume normal daily functions. Replacing teeth will also restore your appearance, filling in spaces where cheeks could become sunken following tooth loss.
With dental implants procedure in place, you can also preserve the bone of the jaw. Following tooth loss, bone deterioration is normal. Implant posts, however, take the place of tooth roots and bond with the jaw bone, helping to minimize bone loss and acting as a sturdy anchor for dentures.
Of course, the mental and emotional benefits of full mouth tooth replacement cannot be overlooked. Your smile is one of the first things people notice, and when it is restored following tooth loss, you’ll feel comfortable and confident flashing a smile and displaying your friendly personality.
Are You a Good Candidate for Full Mouth Tooth Replacement?
The main prerequisite for full mouth tooth replacement is good oral health. If oral disease or infection is to blame for significant tooth loss, we’ll start with treatments that help to restore optimal oral health.
From there we can fit you for custom dentures, and if you opt for implant-anchored dentures, we’ll start the implantation process. If bone loss has occurred, you may have to undergo bone grafting first to increase the volume and density of the jaw. This will ensure a stable base and promote the bonding necessary to make implants viable.
The experts at Elevate Dental are happy to help patients find a pathway to improved oral health and restoration following significant tooth loss. We’ll discuss all of your options and come up with a customized plan for care that works for you.
Why Consider Full Mouth Tooth Replacement
The trauma of tooth loss need not be compounded by a lifetime of misery, living without teeth. If you have suffered significant tooth loss, don’t resign yourself to eating soft foods and hiding from society.
Partner with the experienced dentists and specialists at Elevate Dental to undergo full mouth tooth replacement and take back your life. You’ll regain essential oral function, including the ability to eat and speak normally; you’ll improve your appearance, filling in sunken cheeks and restoring your gorgeous smile; and you’ll reclaim the confidence needed to live your life to the fullest.
Reasons for Full Mouth Tooth Replacement
Elevate Dental - Restorative Dentistry Experts
the Elevate Dental staff take a team approach with full mouth tooth replacement, because they feel that dental problems are best solved with teamwork. If you feel you need extensive dental work such as this please contact our office at 951-699-4440 to discuss how we can help.
The Treatment Process
The condition of your teeth will determine what restorative procedures may be needed, such as porcelain veneers or full-coverage crowns, inlays or onlays, bridges or implants restored with a crown. In particular, your dentist will make note of any cavities and decay, tooth wear, cracks, short/long teeth, root canal issues and any tooth movement, and then work specifically with you to determine the best course of action.
If your gums are not healthy, you will most likely need some type of gum treatment. You may require more intensive treatments from a periodontist to ensure that your newly reconstructed teeth will have a solid foundation. Such treatments could involve soft tissue or bone grafts to build up your gums and underlying jaw bone. Your dentist will look for deep pockets, excessive or insufficient gum tissue, periodontal disease and bone density irregularities.
The color, shape, size and proportion of your teeth, and how they appear in relation to your gums, lips, mouth, side profile and face, are also important factors in full mouth reconstruction treatment.